My attempt at a crazy quilt

I first read about crazy quilting about 5 years ago and thought it might be fun to give it a try. I had plenty of fabric scraps kicking around that really should be chucked away so I had nothing to lose. Also I made a mistake, buying some awful cheap Fat Quarters from the The Works store (I won't make that mistake again).  I should be banned from making impulse purchases, really I should.  So my crazy quilt has a definite girly pink vibe and is made from the afore mentioned Fat Quarters (lovely patterns, terrible fabric).

I started with the central piece and then added strips of fabric overlapping as I did so.  The desire the straighten everything and make right angles was overwhelming but I persevered and carried on stitching strips at jaunty angles, often adding little triangle shapes to make fabric joins more interesting.

I would then trim anything that needed trimming and carefully press flat.  Slowly and almost magically the piece came together.  Snip snip, the last few threads were despatched and I decided to stop.

I had got to the point where my fabric strips weren't quite long enough to give me the effect I was looking for so I decided to quit. The next decision was whether to embellish it. Just google 'crazy quilts', some of the images are beyond beautiful! But I chose not to, or more truthfully, I chickened out. It is to become the front of a cushion cover for the chair in my sewing room.  

Not a great picture, but it certainly reminds me that I need to learn how to iron things properly if I am to take a photo of it. Oh well.  I never claimed to be a photographer.....


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