Flower power
I had intended to crack on with the Heron Dress by The Sewing Revival this week but somehow plans just change, even if you are determined to get something done. Why is that? I think maybe I am too easily distracted! I have cut out the pattern pieces and chosen the fabric for the Heron Dress. I really am keen to get sewing but the Burda 6914 pattern just kept winking at me. I have spotted some pictures online of this dress made up and I like the simplicity of it with the pleated smart neckline. I chose a polycotton from my stash which drapes well. It is also soft and a good weight for winter, I think it will wash nicely over time too. Always an important consideration.
I didn't have as much fabric as I might have liked as I just bought this remnant on impulse, thinking I would make a short skirt. Therefore the length isn't perfect. Too short for me I think! But if I wear it with leggings I think it would be ok. I also had to compromise on the length of the sleeves, I would've preferred longer, but if I consider this dress a practice that has been successful I can actually go outdoors in then I don't think it's been a waste.
The neck has binding, I wish I had been a bit more aware of the pattern placement!
There are 2 pleats on the front which are a little bit different and add some interest. I like them as it helps create a big more shape at the front! I changed the pattern at the hem. It was supposed to have another panel of fabric attached which created more of a tulip shape but due to a lack of fabric I omitted it. I suppose it would look really interesting if you had a contrasting fabric.
Overall I am looking forward to trying this pattern again. I have got plenty of fabric ideas and could see this dress being a useful addition to my work wardrobe - at a more respectable length I hasten to add!
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