Origami gift bag

Making an origami gift bag out of 2 squares of fabric and some ribbon for a tie couldn't be easier. Honest.

There are many online tutorials available, all having plenty of details and slightly different ideas about the channel for the tie. If you want to make one, I recommend spending half an hour googling or studying Pinterest. Be inspired to have a go.

Start with 2 squares fabric (use up some Fat Quarters?) the same size. Place them WRONG sides together and stitch almost all the way round, leaving a space for you to turn it all inside out so the RIGHT sides are showing. Press flat (I hate pressing).

Take 2 opposite corners and fold equally in towards the middle of the fabric and pin for a moment.

Grab a ruler and mark a straight line through the folded down points of the corner. Stitch carefully along the line. carefully fold in the other 2 corners.

Carry on with 2 lines of stitching either side of the fold line. Keep 'em straight. This is the casing for your tie, so ensure it is big enough for your ribbon.

Fold in half and stitch the sides of the bag together.  You are almost there, just need to think about threading the tie through using a safety pin for help.

Clear as mud methinks?

Or...….. you could just watch the wonderful Debbie Shore in action!

 Easy Christmas or birthday gift. Stick something nice inside if you like, such as sweets, make up or my favourite, cold hard cash.  


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